Pub night at the Old Port Yacht Club. A once a month night when we pay a fixed rate, and get all we want to drink between 6 and 7 P.M. Always well attended! from left to right, Darlene Hosack, Marge Dodd Fred Hosack, Helen Baker, and Don Baker. I took the picture. RHD
The following pictures are from a 4 day weekend trip Marge and I made Last week, Mar. 1-4. First stop was Tallahassee to spend a couple of delightful days with our Daughter, Deb, and Grandson, Nathan. Then on to Jacksonville, Fl. for Anne McDonald's 80th birthday. Anne is Marge's favorite cousin. We spent quite a bit of time with her husband and her. She and Norman lived in Great Falls Montana. Norm is dead now.The party was at her daughter's house. Her daughter, Jaime, is married to John Rood, who is the Ambassadore to the Bahamas. Needless to say, he was not in attendence. His presence was needed in the Islands, Nicole Smith!!! Then on the way back to North Palm Beach, we stopped at Titusville and spent a couple of hours at the Space Center. RHD
A replica of the vehicle used on the moon landing .
One of the displays. A part of the whole, but I don't even know what it is! Didn't take notes!
A view of the first stage rocket. It is as big as it looks.
From the bus window on the way out. It is a full scale model of the latest space shuttle. full size, used somehow for traing for the next mission
One of the launch pads. MASSIVE!
A view of the launch site. The flag is said to be the largest hand painted flag in the world
This is the entrance to the space center at Titusville, Fl.
This was the cake cutting at Anne's party
This is Anne, Marge, and me RHD
This is a picture of Anne McDonald and her daughter at the 80th birthday for Anne
This is a scene picturing an early Indian village in Florida
This is the skeleton of a Mastodon in Florida Centuries ago.
This is the House Chamber. I missed seeing the legislature in session by one week!
This is one of the lobbies. The wall is covered with scenes, and writings.
This is a picture of an early scene in Florida. One of many beautiful murals
This is Marge and Deb in front of two great pictures in the Capitol building
While in Tallahassee, we went to the State house and took a few pictures. This me in front of a portrait of our governor, Jeb Bush.
Last weekend, Mar. 1-2-3-4, we spent a delightfull time at our daughters, and then went to Jacksonville, Fl., for Marge's cousin's 80th birthday. Anne McDonald is her cousin, and Anne's daughter, Jaime Rood, threw the party. on the way home from there, we stopped at Titusville, and spent a couple of hours at the space museum. All and all, a delightful trip. Here's some picturesl RHD