Monday, April 30, 2007

This is a picture of the Detroit Yacht Club.
At one time, it was reputed to be the world's
biggest yacht club, and I believe it still is.
It is on an island of it's own, which in turn
is connected to Belle Isle. Belle Isle is about
5 miles long and 2 miles wide and is in the
Detroit River. It is a recreational island.
I spent all of my summers there in the 30s,
and after the War until Marge and I moved
to Florida in1969.
Don and Helen have invited us to visit
them and go to a reunion party there
The weekend of May 11.
I hope to have a lot more pictures then.

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This picture is Darlene Hosack, and
Brian Baker. Brian is the son of Don
and Helen.
See Below
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This picture is of Helen Baker,
Darlene Hosack, and Marge Dodd
See Below
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Last weekend, we went to OPYC on Fri., Apr. 27. with
the 2 couples that are among our closest friends, the picture below
is of Fred Hosack, and Don Baker. We met Fred almost 40 years
ago, and he has been a close friend ever since. Don is the second
generation Don, his father and Mother were are closest friends
in Detroit. We cruised and raced sailboats together. Don and Dolly
are both gone now, but Don Jr. and his lovely wife Helen, hve
also become among our closest Friends.
Seems like I used the word closest too much, but I really mean it.
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Marge's orchid. It layed dormant for
about a year, and suddenly it has
a bloom!
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Looks like I'm back in. this will be the last post from our Carribbean cruise
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Saturday, April 21, 2007

A few more pictures from our Carribbean cruise. Don't know
whether this will bje above or below pictures.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


The scenes below are from a cruise on the Constellation
Down in the Carribbean. It was the last 11 days of March, 2007.
I intend to add more pictures, which will come out over these,
but that's a way blogs work.
Wall pictures in old mansion, Bridgetown,
SEE BELOW Posted by Picasa
Study in old mansion, Barbados.
See below Posted by Picasa
Old piano in Barbados mansion.
see below. Posted by Picasa
Some scenes in an old, 200 yr., mansion,
Bridgetown, Barbados.
See below.
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A beautiful Anglican church, St. Lucia
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Marge and I at a shore cannon, St. Lucia
Again, see below.
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More of the Turnbull's party, Lee Fisher, our
group leader in the middle. Again, see below.
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The Turnbull's party, Marge Turnbull, and
Mary Jane Robinson, see below.
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THe Turnbull's party, see below.
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lGene and Marge Turnbull had an extra large
suite, so of course they gave a cocktail party!
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Marge sampling the Bounty Rum. She
pronounced it good, and we made our first
purchase on the cruise.
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One of the stops on our land tour, was a local
RUM factory. Marge had to buy a bottle!
Bounty rum. I'll let you know how good it is after
we sample it!
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The land was quite lush here. The sign identifies
the Island.
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Our firsat stop was at St. Martens, which is an
island with two governments. One half is Dutch,
and one half French. We took a land cruise, and
this is where you cross from Dutch to French.
A noticeable difference is apparent.
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About 24 of us from OPYC mase the cruise
together. About 16 had the late sitting for
dinner, this is our table for the early setaing.
Great group, lots of fun, good food!
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Taking the sun on the pool deck. You had to get
there early to get a chair, they filled up fast.
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Scene in one of many lounges where we
assembled for the mandatory life boat drill
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The busy scene at the dock at Ft. Lauderdale
just before we left.
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Marge taking her ease on our balcony
prior to seaving on 11 day Carribbean
Cruise aboard the Constellation. Posted by Picasa