Tuesday, January 10, 2006


reflections I will now try to create the atmosphere in the 30s and 40s leading up to WW II. My Dad built a house on Linwood Ave about 1928. He sold it to a man who turned out to be a member of the Purple gang, Detroit's version of the Mafia. This resulted in a stink bomb being thrown trough the dining room window, and returning the house to my Dad's ownership. We moved there about 1930, and that's where I grew up during the years when the country slowly emerged fron the great Depression! Roosevelt delares a bank holiday in1932-3. My Dad's bank then applied his whole savings of about $7000.00 to the small house on Tuxedo, but not on the house on Linwood. My Dad subseqently sold the Tuxedo jhouse for about a $1000.oo. Quite a loss!! Thus began my life growing up in Detroit. This sets the stage for my pre teen, and teen years. more to follow.

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