Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The pictures below are of our brand new 6 year old Alaskan Huskie right after he has been groomed. He's a beautiful dog, and we love him to death already. BUT he slipped again today after about 5 error free days. We'll have to get his problem solved!!!


Peggy said...

Hi there! He's such a cute little dog! You know, I might suggest a couple of things. First, look for "Nature's Miracle,"which you can get at the Petco near your house. This will get rid of all traces of the indoor mistakes, which help prompt him to make more mistakes. That scent triggers the urge to go. When he goes in your yard, don't clean it up, and praise him effusively. If you leave the scent in the yard and remove it from the house and praise him outside, he might get the message! I think there is also a product to put on the lawn to encourage him to go there, I'll let you know if I find it.

He can be taught!!! He just doesn't get it yet.

RHD said...

THanks, all help appreciated. He's really lovable, gut we have to get him better trained.