Thursday, February 09, 2006

The pictures shown below are my attempt to show some of the life
style Marge and I have had since my retirement, 1987. The cruise
pictures were from the first cruises we took after retirement.
We started playing a lot of bridge, and Marge suggested I qualify
as a Duplicate bridge director with the ACBL, American Contract
Bridge Leaque, which I did about 1988. I sent resumes to the
various organizations that placed bridge directors on cruise
ships to give the passengers another way of enjoying themselves
while at sea between ports. I landed with "Travel with Goren"
and did about 20 cruises as bridge director. When the Goren
organization folded, I decided not to seek another contact,
but we were hooked! Since I quit going as a bridge director
and lecturer, we have done about 20 more cruises!!
It has been an important part of our life. We still play
a lot of duplicate bridge. However, Marge had a stroke
about 5 years ago, and her bridge is not as sharp as
it used to be. She is a silver life master, with over 1000
master points. I'm about 30 points away from 1000.
I hope this blog sort of keeps these years alive in
my memory. From time to time, I will be adding
pictures and comments, but not as much, and
not as fast.

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