Wednesday, September 14, 2011

88 wow !

Today, 9 14 23, is my birthday in a 4 family flat owned by my grandmother in Detroit, next door to Gar Wood.
Marge is slowly going farther downhill. Hospice is fully involved now, so that will tell you more than I can. She spends about 20 hrs a day in bed most days. While I still have a brain that mostly works, my physical strength is fast disappearing. So I spend most of the time dosing and readimg from my i-pad. Any activity, like taking a shower even, leaves me exhausted!!
However, looking back we've had a great life. I'll try to post some thoughts soon, including some political thoughts.


Le Rouet said...

Happy birthdy BoB
You know, after my grandma and my aunt, I now have my uncle who has alzheimer, It was not very important yet so he could leave alone at home (he is 90) but now he had a kind of heart attack and they had to operate him and now he can't walk anymore, he's in a wheelchair too, he speaks but only if you speak to him first! and he never looks at you. Some people he doesn't even reckognize! I think it's may be this heart operation which aggravated his condition!

Le Rouet said...

i didn't mean leave but live!

RHD said...

sounds familiar! That's elderly for the start, Marge too.Good luck
Who ever becomes the primary caregiver will have busy moments in otherwise slow periods.

Le Rouet said...

Hi, bob, it's been a long time since you have been posting something
is everything ok?