Sunday, June 25, 2006

This is out of order, but I want it
in my blog. I stole it from Debby's
blog, but what the hell, she stole it
from me in the first place. It is, of
course, a picture of my beloved
Labradore retriever. She loved
going sailing, and if we raised
a Porpoise or two, it was all we
could do to keep her from jumping
overboard, and joining them! Posted by Picasa


Le Rouet said...

well my uncle has got a golden retriever too only she doesn't look like yours because she's got long hair! (well I dont know if the word hair is correct for an animal)

RHD said...

Golden Retrievers and Labrador Retrievers do look alike,and have similar gentle ways. But the hair is a sure way of telling the difference. Labs have short hair, and come in three colors, gold black, chocolate. Goldens have long hair, and one color, Gold
Regards, BobD

Le Rouet said...

yes it's true Melba (my uncle's dog) has gentle ways but as she is quite big I am a little afraid all the same when my daughters are around her and put their faces just in front of her!

RHD said...

I have had an accident with my blog. Don't know yet whether I can solve it. I have opened a second blog which I hope is stopgap. the title is reflections-Bob Dodd # 2
Hope you can reach it with that.

Le Rouet said...

i m just trying to post a comment to see if it works