Wednesday, January 11, 2006

These were the days that led up to my entry in U of M and then the war

I got my driver's license in Detroit just before I turned 14! The next few years were fun, fun, fun. We had High School fraternities and sororities that were where the action was. We sponsored dances nearly every week end all through the school year at the big hotels in Detroit. We hired big name bands like Glenn Miller, Tommy Dorsey, Jan Savitt etc. AND we were only in our teens. Imagine a 17 piece band today coming several hundred miles to play for a high school fraternity, and no adult was involved. I, like every body else had several girl friends. My main one was Peggy Sinclair, who I almost married. Another main Girl friend was Helen Scott who I dated right up to the war. Her younger brother was George C. Scott, who was about 4-5 years younger than I. I may come back to these days later, but now I'm going to get to the war years.

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